Eurobalise Cables
Purpose of the Eurobalise is to transmit a message to the On-Board equipment in order to advise the driver and the On-Board ATP processing unit about the train positioning and the conditions of the track and traffi c ahead, and hence take the appropriate actions for train speed and for the protection of the train itself, passengers and infrastructure alike.The balise cables are used for the Eurobalise and the balise transmission modules in the On-Board equipment. The cables are flexible, resistant and have electromagnetic immunity for high frequency communications which is a necessity for a radio based GSM-R traffi c management system.
These specialised balise cables are to be used in the upgrading of rail network to meet ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) requirements. The implementation of ERTMS will facilitate higher-speed services and an increased number of connections on railways. The balise cables are advanced copper signalling cables which will be installed along the tracks to carry vital information regarding train position, length and number of wagons. This information will be used by the Automatic Train Control (ATC) system and relayed both to the driver via transponders, otherwise known as "balises", and to the train control centre. The balise cables therefore play a vital role in maintaining high levels of safety as the volume of rail traffi c increases.